Recurse Center: Round Two!
I’m doing another 6-week half-batch at the Recurse Center. I’m going to use this space to track my progress - what I did from day to day, ideas of potential projects to work on, questions that I hope to find answers to, and so on. I’m looking forward to leaving a record here of what I’m learning—I had meant to do more of this during my first batch, but I was going through a period of rather pronounced forearm pain at the time, and daily writeups were the first thing to go when wrists began hurting.
- Over the past few months some opportunities have arisen that will require me to use Drupal, so my main goal during my time at RC is to build a familiarity with and an appreciation of the tool. I hope to do this by making a handful of whimsical small projects, learning Drupal well enough to be able to hack it to do things it was never built to do, like—for example—calculating the digits of π, or displaying graphics with each pixel stored as its own node, or simulating Conway's Game of Life.
- Since Drupal is a pretty high-level tool, I have the secondary/complementary goal of learning some new, sufficiently technical programming language to keep me grounded. Current leading candidates are Rust and Haskell.
- I’m thinking of dedicating two days per week to the Drupal project, two to the project in the sufficiently technical language project, and one day a week helping others with their own projects, running events, and so on.
- Last batch, I spent nearly all of my time pair programming with others since I could type very little myself. One other thing I look forward to this go-round is being a bit more heads-down on my own projects.
Posted: May 23, 2024. Last updated: Jun 21, 2024.