BookshelfJacob deGroot-Maggetti

Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language – Gretchen McCulloch

Thoughts: Having listened to many episodes of Lingthusiasm, Gretchen McCullough’s podcast with Lauren Gawne, I had high expectations of Because Internet, and it didn’t dissapoint. Conversational in tone, it frequently had me (literally) laughing out loud. And the linguistics are solid: there were many aspects of internetspeak about which I gained a new perspective, as well as a few that I’d never come across before. Highly recommended.

(The notes below are not a summary of the book, but rather raw notes - whatever I thought, at the time, might be worth remembering. I read this as an e-book, so page numbers are as they appeared in the app I used, Libby.)

McCulloch, Gretchen. 2019. Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language. Riverhead Books.

Chapter 1: Informal Writing

Chapter 2: Language and Society

Chapter 3: Internet People

Chapter 4: Typographical Tone of Voice

Chapter 5: Emoji and Other Internet Gestures

Chapter 6: How Conversations Change

Chapter 7: Memes and Internet Culture

Chapter 8: A New Metaphor

Posted: Feb 02, 2022. Last updated: Aug 31, 2023.